Friday, May 1, 2009

Jib Crane

Jib Crane
By Don Goodwin

Jib crane can be fixed position or mobile. Mobile jib crane are on a cart with a counter balance to off set the load. This type usually comes in lower capacities and lifting heights since they are designed for one user to move items. The stationary jib crane can come in two basic types. There is the single mast style that can have a fixed crossbeam, or a cross beam that can be moved 360 degrees. The other type can be set up similar to a bridge crane to be used over a workstation. The jib crane usually has a lift height ranging from 8 - 14 feet. The capacities usually go from 500 - 6,000 pounds. This type of crane can also be custom manufactured to meet specific needs.

1 comment:

  1. Jib cranes are most often used on military vehicles or in industrial facilities. The horizontal jib can either be fixed, or it can swing through in an arcing movement, which provides more lateral movement.

