Friday, May 29, 2009

Mobile Crane

Mobile Crane

By Christine B. Layug

Mobile crane are responsible for a large portion of accidents, injuries, and fatalities. An organization should be aware of the hazards involved in mobile crane operations. It is the employer's responsibility to provide training for all phases of safe crane operations and load handling.

Loads that are dropped by mobile crane pose a severe hazard to any personnel involved in crane operations. The manufacturer's rated capacity shall never be exceeded, no matter what the reason. A mobile crane operator has the authority to refuse to lift any load if there is any question as to safety, the weight of the load, or any other reason. Per ASME B30.5-2007, it is the operator's responsibility to consult with the person in charge of the lift, or the site supervisor, and not lift until safety is assured. A load-indicating device is a tool that is meant to assist an operator in not exceeding a crane's rated capacity, but is not meant to replace the operator's common sense and judgment. A mobile crane operator should insure that the loads are rigged correctly and that the load hook is placed over the center of gravity of the load prior to lifting it.

That person shall analyze the operation and instruct all personnel involved in the proper positioning, rigging of the load, and the movements to be made. Decisions such as the necessity to reduce crane ratings, load position, boom location, ground support, and speed of movement shall be in accordance with this analysis.

Cranes coming into contact with energized overhead power lines are the number one killer of ground personnel in the United States. Prior to beginning work, a site safety analysis should be conducted where all potential hazards are identified and marked. All lines should be considered energized unless the owning utility has provided written documentation stating that they are indeed de-energized.

Operators should use an audible warning and operating signal device to notify workers of crane movement. If the operator has a limited view, a trained, qualified signal should direct the crane operations. No one shall be permitted to ride on the load or load hook. The load hook shall be secured when the crane is in transit to prevent side loading on the boom and possible boom damage. Mobile crane operator training, in accordance with ASME B30.5, is required for all operators.

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